Many new and incoming college student are so wrapped up in picking classes and making friends they don't think about the simple things. Living in a resident hall with several other girls can be scary. A lot of people are also intimidated by the thought of sharing a bathroom. If you grew up in a household with plenty of siblings then your more prepared then most. For people like me, who are accustomed to having their own bathroom, the change can be hard.
Each floor has plenty of bathrooms to accommodate the amount of people on the floor. I've lived in the resident halls for four years and I have yet to wait for a bathroom or shower.
The unique features of Collins Brown Resident Hall is the salon sink and men urinals. Normally, in a woman's bathroom there are closed stalls that are gender neutral. On this floor, in addition to stalls there are also men urinals. The best thing about this bathroom is the salon-style sink. Finally, I can wash my hair without submerging my whole body in water.
Sharing a bathroom is not the worst thing you will experience living in the residence halls. It's actually a humbling experience to share such an intimate space with new and different people. Since living in a resident hall is mandatory for most freshman, have a open mind and I'm sure you will see it's not so bad.