Friday, April 23, 2010

Playwright written by students

Indiana University has some of the most talented people that I've ever seen.  When I want to unwind at the end of the semester, I go to a student theater production.  Theater majors write, direct and star in productions they put on during the last weeks of the semester.

April 22, I had the pleasure of viewing Stephanie Moore's production of 4:48 Psychosis.  It's a play about a young woman that suffers from depression.  She attempts many solutions such as various medications and therapy but she only seeks refuge in the arms of her handsome doctor. 

To be honest I was blown away by the talent that the actors possessed.  The emotion and connection felt from the actors was undeniable.  When I took an acting class freshman year, it was to break me of my shyness but I gained so much more than that.  Not only did I gain acting skill, and friends but also the ability to understand why people react in certain ways and what body language really tells you.  Watching this play brought back those memories.  I would advise everyone to take an acting class!

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